CSA Week 14

THE HARVEST. Tomatoes - still coming in - mostly reds this week. Winter squashes - Butternut, Spaghetti and Buttercup. Watermelons - last week? Arugula - cutting new field, more tender, less spicy. Cucumber, Zucchini, Peppers, Carrots (loose), Beets (loose), Garlic, Leeks, Onions. Looking ahead a few weeks… more lettuce, spinach and kale. Fingers crossed rain is not too hard on broccoli and cauliflower! And U-Pick Flowers? Depends on rain this week.


THE RAIN! BEFORE YOU DRIVE TO THE FARM THURSDAY… CHECK YOUR EMAIL AND OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR UPDATES ON POSSIBLE FARM CLOSURE. We will make the call Thursday AM whether we can open or not. Heavy rain is projected, as of now; the driveway and farm shop may be too flooded to enter. IF WE NEED TO CLOSE THURSDAY DUE TO HEAVY RAIN, WE WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.


FARMER HIGHLIGHTS. Thanks to farmer friends at Rancocas Creek Farm for supplementing our tomatoes this week. We traded our pepper abundance for extra tomatoes (grown organically, not certified). Prior, we worked with Stockton U Farm to supplement our eggplant; a portion of proceeds from upcoming event sales being donated back to Stockton U Farm. Despite weather issues and being short staffed, we are getting creative and making it work!



  • Corn and Peaches (maybe Blackberries?) - Pastore Orchards.

  • Chicken Sausages, Ground Turkey and Pot Pies (chicken, beef shepherd’s, veggie) - Griggstown Farm.

  • Mushrooms - Faith Flower Farm; and Microgreens - Jersey Joe’s.

  • Dairy: Eggs - Cycle farms and local sources; Cheeses and Yogurt/Sheapsicles - Misty Meadow.

  • Walking Bird’s farm-grown produce AND Raspberries (limited quantities, see Shop for details).

  • No Hammerbacher/baked goods this week - our hardworking friends are on vacation.



CSA week 16


CSA Week 13