CSA Week 13
THE HARVEST. Buttercup squash - if you like sweet potatoes, you will love this! Leeks, Potatoes (baby), Carrots (loose), Beets (loose), Watermelon (red/yellow), Cucumber, Zucchini, Lettuce mix, Arugula, Tomatoes (mix and match), Peppers (bells/hots), Spaghetti squash, Garlic. Also, U-Pick Flowers, Herbs. A few eggplants on sale from the Stockton Farm harvest… all proceeds go back to the Farm.
EXTRAS FOR SALE. Potpies (chicken, Sheppard’s and veggie), Cheeses (new products), Yogurt, Eggs, Mushrooms, Baked goods (as available), Chicken sausages and ground turkey, Farm-grown produce, Peaches, Corn, Blackberries.
FIELD UPDATES/ HIGHLIGHTS. Sept. is on our doorstep, hoping for cooler weather! Tomatoes are winding down; we will have some for another week or 2. U-Pick fields are getting light; still flowers to pick though. As flowers fade, the green beans will be ready to pick again. Beautiful butternut coming up, just began harvesting. Broccoli and Cauliflower fields look nice for mid-late Sept. Lots of spinach and kale for fall too. Potatoes are light this season, but we are working on a trade with another farm to bring in more.
Eat well and be happy! See you on the farm.
Portion of the proceeds to benefit Stockton U scholarships, including the Stockton Farm.